Backingtrack files: Songs T Backing tracks (2452)

Backing Tracks in archive: 24091
All files available for download are covers, they are not by the original artist.

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Two Piña ColadasGarth Brooks BUY BUY
BUY With Backing VocalsWith Backing Vocals
BUY Without Backing VocalsWithout Backing Vocals
BUY With Lead vocal (to learn the song)With Lead vocal (to learn the song)
Two Pina ColadasGarth Brooks BUY BUY
BUY With Backing VocalsWith Backing Vocals
BUY With Lead vocal (to learn the song)With Lead vocal (to learn the song)
Two PrincesSpin Doctors BUY BUY
BUY With Backing VocalsWith Backing Vocals
BUY Without Backing VocalsWithout Backing Vocals
BUY With Lead vocal (to learn the song)With Lead vocal (to learn the song)
Two PrincesSpin Doctors BUY BUY
BUY Without Backing VocalsWithout Backing Vocals
BUY With Lead vocal (to learn the song)With Lead vocal (to learn the song)
Two Sparrows In A HurricaneTanya Tucker BUY BUY
BUY With Backing VocalsWith Backing Vocals
BUY Without Backing VocalsWithout Backing Vocals
BUY With Lead vocal (to learn the song)With Lead vocal (to learn the song)
Two Steps BehindDef Leppard BUY BUY
BUY With Backing VocalsWith Backing Vocals
BUY Without Backing VocalsWithout Backing Vocals
BUY With Lead vocal (to learn the song)With Lead vocal (to learn the song)
Two Suns in the SunsetPink Floyd BUY BUY
BUY Without Backing VocalsWithout Backing Vocals
BUY With Lead vocal (to learn the song)With Lead vocal (to learn the song)
Two TeardropsSteve Wariner BUY BUY
BUY With Backing VocalsWith Backing Vocals
BUY With Lead vocal (to learn the song)With Lead vocal (to learn the song)
Two Tickets To ParadiseEddie Money BUY BUY
BUY With Backing VocalsWith Backing Vocals
BUY Without Backing VocalsWithout Backing Vocals
BUY With Lead vocal (to learn the song)With Lead vocal (to learn the song)
Two TribesFrankie Goes To Hollywood BUY BUY
BUY With Backing VocalsWith Backing Vocals
Two WorldsPhil Collins BUY BUY
BUY With Backing VocalsWith Backing Vocals
BUY Without Backing VocalsWithout Backing Vocals
BUY With Lead vocal (to learn the song)With Lead vocal (to learn the song)
TyrantBeyoncé & Dolly Parton BUY BUY
BUY With Backing VocalsWith Backing Vocals
BUY Without Backing VocalsWithout Backing Vocals
BUY With Lead vocal (to learn the song)With Lead vocal (to learn the song)

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