Backingtrack files: Wade Hayes (12)

Backing Tracks in archive: 24164
All files available for download are covers, they are not by the original artist.

Please let me know when you produce a new song from this artist New songs alert

Old Enough To Know BetterWade Hayes BUY BUY
BUY With Backing VocalsWith Backing Vocals
BUY Without Backing VocalsWithout Backing Vocals
BUY With Lead vocal (to learn the song)With Lead vocal (to learn the song)
Goodbye Is The Wrong Way To GoWade Hayes BUY BUY
BUY With Backing VocalsWith Backing Vocals
BUY With Lead vocal (to learn the song)With Lead vocal (to learn the song)
Up North (Down South, Back East, Out West)Wade Hayes BUY BUY
BUY With Backing VocalsWith Backing Vocals
BUY With Lead vocal (to learn the song)With Lead vocal (to learn the song)
How Do You Sleep At NightWade Hayes BUY BUY
BUY With Backing VocalsWith Backing Vocals
BUY With Lead vocal (to learn the song)With Lead vocal (to learn the song)
When The Wrong One Loves You RightWade Hayes BUY BUY
BUY With Backing VocalsWith Backing Vocals
BUY With Lead vocal (to learn the song)With Lead vocal (to learn the song)
The Day That She Left Tulsa (In A Chevy)Wade Hayes BUY BUY
BUY With Backing VocalsWith Backing Vocals
BUY With Lead vocal (to learn the song)With Lead vocal (to learn the song)
Wichita LinemanWade Hayes BUY BUY
BUY With Backing VocalsWith Backing Vocals
BUY With Lead vocal (to learn the song)With Lead vocal (to learn the song)
It's Over My HeadWade Hayes BUY BUY
BUY With Backing VocalsWith Backing Vocals
BUY With Lead vocal (to learn the song)With Lead vocal (to learn the song)
Where Do I Go To Start All OverWade Hayes BUY BUY
BUY With Backing VocalsWith Backing Vocals
BUY With Lead vocal (to learn the song)With Lead vocal (to learn the song)
Don't StopWade Hayes BUY BUY
BUY With Backing VocalsWith Backing Vocals
BUY With Lead vocal (to learn the song)With Lead vocal (to learn the song)
On A Good NightWade Hayes BUY BUY
BUY With Backing VocalsWith Backing Vocals
BUY With Lead vocal (to learn the song)With Lead vocal (to learn the song)
What I Meant To SayWade Hayes BUY BUY
BUY With Backing VocalsWith Backing Vocals
BUY Without Backing VocalsWithout Backing Vocals
BUY With Lead vocal (to learn the song)With Lead vocal (to learn the song)