About YOUR MIX Audio files
These are mp3 audio versions of our midifile catalogue. You can select any key and also take out the instruments you like to play yourself.
Please keep in mind there are no Vocals included. You will be able to later log in again to create other Mixes in different keys etc without having to
purchase the song again.
Your Mix: German (9656)
All files available for download are covers, they are not by the original artist.Auch heute noch | Andrea Berg |
Unavailable |
Allein in Einsamkeit | Die Ladiner |
Unavailable |
Wir ham doch keine Zeit | Möhre |
Unavailable |
Heidi (Party-Version) | Mallorca Allstars feat. Möhre |
Unavailable |
Das Edelweiß Tattoo | Kastelruther Spatzen |
Unavailable |
Jo su e Mädche muß ich hann | Paveier |
Unavailable |
Wä will schon in d'r Himmel | Paveier |
Unavailable |
Du hast mich verhext | Bernhard Brink |
Unavailable |
Rendezvous mit dem Wind | Andrea Berg |
Unavailable |
Freunde | Peter Maffay |
Unavailable |
Reiss die Hütte ab | Mickie Krause |
Unavailable |
Viva Colonia | Höhner |
Unavailable |
Ich hab 53 Engel (Party-Version) | Höhner |
Unavailable |
Amsterdam | Cora |
Unavailable |
Du bist ein schönes Kind Marie | Alpenland Sepp |
Unavailable |
Mädel ruck ruck ruck | Oliver Thomas |
Unavailable |
Heute schütte ich mich zu | Karl Dall |
Unavailable |
Wilde Kirschen | Roy Black |
Unavailable |
Wahre Liebe (True love) | Nina & Mike |
Unavailable |
Tom Dooley | Tom Astor |
Unavailable |