Midi files: Artists H Midis (1167)

All files available for download are covers, they are not by the original artist.

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Maddalena 2001 (Du Luder!) Henning & Holm
Chambre Avec Vue Henri Salvador
Jardin d'hiver Henri Salvador
Jazz Méditerranée Henri Salvador
Lady in black Henry & The Fun Company
Lady in Black Henry & the Fun Company
Happy Morning Henry Arland
Sail Along Silv'ry Moon Henry Arland
Happy Clarinet Henry Arland
Merry go round (Instr. Klarinette) Henry Arland
Freundschafts-Melodie (instr. Klarinette) Henry Arland
Ballerina Brasil (instr. Klarinette) Henry Arland
Dream a Little Dream (instr. Klarinette) Henry Arland
Melodie für einen Engel (instr. Klarinette) Henry Arland
Winter Wonderland (instr. Klarinette) Henry Arland
Wild Cat Blues (instr. Klarinette) Henry Arland
Strangers in the night (instr. Klarinette) Henry Arland
Rosenmelodie (instr. Klarinette) Henry Arland
Melodie der Heimat (instr. Klarinette) Henry Arland
Klarinettenmuckl (instr. Klarinette) Henry Arland

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