Peggy March - Fly away pretty Flamingo (Midi) ID: ML_1600

More versions of this song: IT01874 | ML_1600
All files available for download are covers, they are not by the original artist.
New songs alert

Technical Info

File Format:
0 and 1
Style: German, 1980s

Peggy March Midi files

All files available for download are covers, they are not by the original artist. New songs alert
Boom-bang-a-bang Peggy March
Es ist schwer dich zu vergessen Peggy March
Fly away pretty Flamingo Peggy March
Fly Away Pretty Flamingo Peggy March
I Will Follow Him Peggy March
Komm mach mich nicht schwach Peggy March
Mach mich nicht schwach Peggy March
Memories of Heidelberg Peggy March
Mit 17 hat man noch Träume Peggy March
Romeo und Julia Peggy March

All songs are covers, they are not by the original artist. We pay licensing to original artists/publishers via MCPS-PRS. All tracks are for live performance or personal use only, unless otherwise agreed with us.