Peter Kraus - Ciao ciao (Midi) ID: ML_5690

All files available for download are covers, they are not by the original artist.
New songs alert

Technical Info

File Format:
0 and 1
Style: Pop, German

Peter Kraus Midi files

All files available for download are covers, they are not by the original artist. New songs alert
Alle Mädchen wollen küssen Peter Kraus
Ciao ciao Peter Kraus
Das alte Haus von Rocky Docky Peter Kraus
Ich bin ja so allein (Lonely Boy) Peter Kraus
Im Abendrot Peter Kraus
Manchmal Peter Kraus
Manchmal Peter Kraus
Mit siebzehn Peter Kraus
Nimm dir Zeit Peter Kraus
Percolator Peter Kraus
Peter Kraus Medley Peter Kraus
Rock Peter Rock medley Peter Kraus
Rock'n Roll Medley Peter Kraus
Rock'n'Roll Medley Peter Kraus
Schwarze Rose Rosemarie Peter Kraus
Schwarze Rose, Rosemarie Peter Kraus
Sugar Baby Peter Kraus
Susi Rock (Originalaufnahme) Peter Kraus
Sweety Peter Kraus
Sweety Peter Kraus

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All songs are covers, they are not by the original artist. We pay licensing to original artists/publishers via MCPS-PRS. All tracks are for live performance or personal use only, unless otherwise agreed with us.