Tschirgant Duo - Sauladen Medley - Alles optimale Stimmungshits (Midi) ID: ML_10218

All files available for download are covers, they are not by the original artist.
New songs alert

Technical Info

File Format:
0 and 1
Style: Pop, German, Medleys, 2010s

Titles in this medley:
Guten Morgen Polka
Ist das ein Sauladen hier
Her mit meinen Hennen
Der Jodelautomat
Franz fahr net no San Francisco
Resi I hol mit meim Traktor ab
Anton aus Tirol
Der Holzmichel
Zillertaler Hochzeitsblues
Guten Morgen Polka

Tschirgant Duo Midi files

All files available for download are covers, they are not by the original artist. New songs alert
Hamburg Medley (optimal zum Schunkeln) Tschirgant Duo
Sauladen Medley - Alles optimale Stimmungshits Tschirgant Duo

All songs are covers, they are not by the original artist. We pay licensing to original artists/publishers via MCPS-PRS. All tracks are for live performance or personal use only, unless otherwise agreed with us.