Uta Bresan - Ab in den Süden (Midi) ID: ML_8176

All files available for download are covers, they are not by the original artist.
New songs alert

Technical Info

File Format:
0 and 1
Style: German

Uta Bresan Midi files

All files available for download are covers, they are not by the original artist. New songs alert
Ab in den Süden Uta Bresan
Der Himmel schweigt Uta Bresan
Ich hab den Sommer bestellt Uta Bresan
Ich will nach Hause zu Dir Uta Bresan
Liebe ist wie ein Wunder Uta Bresan
Schenk mir diesen Sommer Uta Bresan
Sehnsucht kannst Du nicht verbieten Uta Bresan
Viva la Vida el Amor Uta Bresan

All songs are covers, they are not by the original artist. We pay licensing to original artists/publishers via MCPS-PRS. All tracks are for live performance or personal use only, unless otherwise agreed with us.