Midi files: All (38878)

All files available for download are covers, they are not by the original artist.
I like it I luv it Koolmatch
Everybody's got to learn sometime The Korgis
C'est si bon Louis Amstrong
Brussel Liesbeth List
Ain't that just the way Lutricia McNeal
Ik wil alles met je delen Liliane Saint-Pierre
Ik kom zacht naar je toe Liliane Saint-Pierre
Ik ben niet van jou Liliane Saint-Pierre
Juul Cesar Lange Jojo
Agadou Lange Jojo
Je t'aime Lara Fabian
Tout Lara Fabian
Moliendo Latin Dance Nite
Strani amori Laura Pausini
Incancellabile Laura Pausini
Coming around again Laurena
Le disc jockey (tout feu tout flamme) Encore!
How do I live LeAnn Rimes
Stairway to Heaven Led Zeppelin
You never walk alone Lee Towers

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