Midi files: Country (846)

All files available for download are covers, they are not by the original artist.
Renovier deine Seele Tom Astor
Hey mach mal Pause Truck Stop
Ain't that just the way Lutricia McNeal
Hallo Guten Morgen Deutschland Tom Astor
Tiger Rag (instr.) Dixie Stompers
Lebenslänglich Liebe pur Linda Feller
Freunde findest du tief unten Truck Stop
Fly me to Eden The Bellamy Brothers
Take it easy nimms leicht Tom Astor
Marlboro Man Greyhounds
You never can tell Emmylou Harris
Tennessee Waltz (instr. Saxophon) Pete Tex
Dixie-Medley Kurzmedley Happy Sound
Wish you were here Rednex
Truck Stop, Tom Astor und ich Gunter Gabriel
Tie a yellow ribbon on the old oak tree Tony Orlando & Dawn
Take it easy altes Haus Truck Stop
Sweet home Alabama Lynyrd Skynyrd
Suchst du Gold Jonny Hill
Something stupid Nancy & Frank Sinatra duet

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